Here is list of primary schools in Ballarat, Victoria.
Find the best primary school in Ballarat for your child on this page. We list the most popular Ballarat primary schools and rank them in order of popularity.
Ballarat Primary Schools List with Ranking
Rank | School |
1 | Ballarat Clarendon College |
2 | Ballarat Grammar School |
3 | St Francis Xavier School, Ballarat |
4 | Ballarat North Primary School |
5 | Pleasant Street Primary School (Ballarat) |
6 | Ballarat Primary School |
7 | Ballarat Christian College |
8 | Newington Primary School |
9 | Black Hill Primary School |
10 | St Patrick’s School |
11 | Canadian Lead Primary School |
12 | Ballarat Steiner School |
13 | Mount Pleasant Primary School |
14 | St Alipius’ Parish School |
15 | St Columba’s School |
Ballarat Primary Schools Map
This map provides a list of primary schools in Ballarat, ranked in order of their popularity. You can also use the map to find directions to each school.
What is the best primary school in Ballarat?
Based on the primary school ranking in Victoria, the top primary school in Ballarat is Ballarat Clarendon College.
What is the best Catholic primary school in Ballarat?
St Francis Xavier School Ballarat is best Catholic primary school in Ballarat.