10 Primary Schools in Bunbury: Which Is the Best in 2024?

Here is a list of primary schools in Bunbury, Weston Australia.

Choosing the right primary school for your child is an important decision. You want to find a school that will provide them with a quality education and help them reach their full potential.

On this page, we provide an overview of all primary schools in Bunbury. We also rank each school to make it easy for you to find the best primary schools in Bunbury. The ranking is based on the school’s popularity, as determined by factors such as student enrollment, parent satisfaction, and academic performance.

Bunbury Primary Schools List with Ranking

RankSchoolSchool Popularity
1Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School151%
2Bunbury Primary School87%
3Bunbury Baptist College63%
4South Bunbury Primary School51%
5Adam Road Primary School46%
6St Joseph’s Primary School43%
7Cooinda Primary School34%
8St Mary’s Catholic Primary School28%
9Maidens Park Primary School,25%
10Djidi Djidi Aboriginal School17%

Bunbury Primary Schools Map

What is the best primary school in Bunbury?

Based on the primary school ranking in WA, the top primary school in Bunbury is Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School.

What is the best Catholic primary school in Bunbury?

St Joseph’s Primary School is best catholic primary school in Bunbury.

How many primary schools are there in Bunbury?

The exact number can fluctuate, but Bunbury has a good selection of public and private primary schools.

What age range do primary schools in Bunbury cover?

In Western Australia, primary schools typically cater to children from Kindergarten (around 4-5 years old) to Year 6 (around 11-12 years old).

Are there resources available to learn more about each school?

Yes! Most schools have websites and social media pages where you can find detailed information about their curriculum, facilities, and extracurricular activities. You can also attend school open days or contact the schools directly to learn more.

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