10 Primary Schools in Geraldton: Which Is the Best in 2024?

Here is a list of primary schools in Geraldton, Weston Australia.

Geraldton is a city in Western Australia, located on the coast of the Indian Ocean. It is a popular destination for families, thanks to its beautiful beaches, mild climate, and friendly community.

There are many great primary schools in Geraldton, each with its own unique strengths and features. On this page, we provide an overview of all primary schools in Geraldton. We also rank each school to make it easy for you to find the best primary schools in Geraldton. The ranking is based on the school’s popularity, as determined by factors such as student enrollment, parent satisfaction, and academic performance.

Geraldton Primary Schools List

RankSchoolSchool Popularity
1Geraldton Grammar School47%
2Geraldton Primary School42%
3Allendale Primary School41%
4St Lawrence’s Primary School38%
5Mount Tarcoola Primary School34%
6Geraldton Christian College31%
7Beachlands Primary School27%
8St Francis Xavier Primary School22%
9St John’s School, Geraldton17%
10Leaning Tree Steiner School14%

Geraldton Primary Schools Map

What is the best primary school in Geraldton?

Based on the primary school ranking in WA, the top primary school in Geraldton is Geraldton Grammar School.

What is the best Catholic primary school in Geraldton?

St Lawrence’s Primary School is best catholic primary school in Geraldton.