Here is list of primary schools in Geelong, Victoria.
This page can help you find the best primary school for your child in Geelong. In this table we list most popular primary schools in Geelong, along with their ranking in the city.
The rank of each school is based on its popularity in Geelong.
Top Geelong Primary Schools List with Ranking
Rank | School | Post Code |
1 | Bacchus Marsh Grammar | 3340 |
2 | Geelong Grammar School | 3214 |
3 | Belmont Primary School | 3216 |
4 | Inverleigh Primary School | 3321 |
5 | Ocean Grove Primary School | 3326 |
6 | Geelong – St Mary’s Primary School | 3220 |
7 | Aireys Inlet Primary School | 3231 |
8 | Christ the King Catholic Primary School | 3219 |
9 | kardinia international college | 3215 |
10 | Geelong Lutheran College, St John’s Newtown | 3220 |
11 | Bellaire Primary School | 3216 |
12 | Saint Therese Catholic Primary School | 3228 |
13 | Apollo Bay P12 College | 3233 |
14 | Bellbrae Primary School | 3228 |
15 | Coimadai Primary School | 3340 |
16 | Barwon Heads Primary School | 3227 |
17 | Queenscliff Primary School | 3225 |
18 | Clairvaux Catholic School | 3216 |
19 | Saint Patrick’s School | 3218 |
20 | Sacred Heart School Geelong | 3220 |
21 | Our Lady Star of the Sea Primary School | 3226 |
22 | Christian college | 3216 |
23 | Wallington Primary School | 3222 |
24 | Ceres Primary School | 3221 |
Geelong Primary Schools Map
This map provides a list of top primary schools in Geelong, ranked in order of their popularity. You can also use the map to find directions to each school.
What is the best primary school in Geelong?
Based on the primary school ranking in Victoria, the top primary school in Geelong is Bacchus Marsh Grammar.
Best Primary Schools in Geelong by Attribute
Find out what is the best Catholic primary school in Geelong.
Reference: – My School – AU